Saxon Math Intermediate 3
You have chosen the Dr. Aardsma's Saxon Math Intermediate 3 Checker.
This Checker is designed to be used with the following set of three books [NOTE: the educator must equip himself/herself with these books separately; they are not included with the Checker]:
1. Student Textbook

Saxon Math Intermediate 3
Student Textbook
The Student Textbook is divided into 110 lessons, all of which are included in the Checker. The textbook also contains 11 investigations (not included in the Checker),
an English/Spanish math glossary, and a comprehensive index.
2. Solutions Manual

Saxon Math Intermediate 3
Solutions Manual
The Solutions Manual contains the solutions for the Student Textbook. You will need the Solutions Manual when using the Checker (for example, for marking the occasional question which is graphically too complex to be entered into the Checker by the student using their keyboard).
3. Homeschool Testing Book

Saxon Math Intermediate 3
Homeschool Testing Book
ISBN: 978-0-547-62583-6
The Homeschool Testing Book provides the tests needed by the student to complete the program. There are 21 tests, all included in the Checker. Optional student answer forms, an optional test analysis form, and test solutions are also provided in this booklet.
Power Up Workbook

Saxon Math Intermediate 3
Power UP Workbook
ISBN: 978-1-600-32510-6
The Power UP Workbook is not needed by the Checker. It provides student facts practice worksheets coordinated with the Student Textbook lessons. Facts practice is essential to success in math, but we recommend use of Dr. Aardsma's Math Drill (see link in navigation bar at left) in place of these worksheets to relieve the educator of the burden of checking all these worksheets.
Homeschool Kit
The four books described above may be purchased together as the Saxon Math Intermediate 3 Homeschool Kit.

Saxon Math Intermediate 3
Homeschool Kit
ISBN: 9780547625867